Lisa Chambers 2024: Because Predictability is Overrated!

Lisa Chambers Ireland Midlands West Candidate for EU Parliament 2024


Senator Lisa Chambers wants Ireland to repeat the “success” of Angela Merkel’s landmark immigration policy.

A passion for Politics –
Less Craic, More Crackin’ Down!

Even when my fellow TD’s are not in the Dáil they can count on me for the vote.

Champion of Women’s Rights

You may have heard that Lisa campaigned vigorously for Yes votes in the Irish constitutional referenda on Family and Care after previously stating her position that abortion regret is a “makey-uppy thing”

And then, in a stunning display of political flexibility, voted No.

Why, you ask? Because being able to hold and express conflicting positions is a true mark of a versatile and adaptable leader. You never know which way she might go, and that keeps things exciting!

Advocating for Democratic Efficiency

In October 2019, Lisa took efficiency to a whole new level by voting on behalf of not one, but two people during a forestry motion in dail Eireann.

Who needs just one vote when you can have two?

And let’s not forget January 2019, when Lisa spent fifty productive minutes in Timmy Dooley’s seat, ensuring both their votes were cast.

Two places at once? Moving seamlessly between positions? Just another day in the life of Lisa Chambers!

Ensuring Connectivity for Representatives

Despite the abolition of EU roaming charges, Lisa prudently claimed a €525 daily telephone allowance while traveling in the EU. Her actions underscore the importance of maintaining robust communication channels for effective representation.

Communication is key, and she made sure every call counted. If there’s a way to claim an allowance, you bet she’ll find it!

Optimizing Travel for Greater Productivity

During the COVID-19 pandemic, even though the Seanad was closed, Lisa continued to claim €6,626 in expenses for April and May 2020. Her readiness to act, even when parliament was not in session, shows her dedication to maximizing every opportunity for the benefit of her constituents—and wallet.

Lisas views on Car tax – Lisa was spotted driving an untaxed vehicle despite receiving an allowance of €2,300 a month for motoring expenses. This situation highlights her knack for innovation and ability to operate under unique circumstances. By ensuring her Audi A4 stayed untaxed for almost four months she showcased a unique ability to navigate the complexities of vehicle regulations like a cure hoor.

The Hate Crime Bill Champion Turned Critic

Reflecting the Complexity of Policy Decisions

Lisa proudly proposed and sponsored the Criminal Justice Hate Crime Bill, showcasing her commitment to addressing issues of hate and discrimination.

Later, she vocally opposed the same bill, highlighting her ability to reconsider and critically assess legislation based on populist wind changes.

Fianna Fáil Senator Lisa Chambers said she has issues with ‘hate’ not being defined in the Bill. ‘It’s unusual in legislation not to provide definitions,’ she said.

//morgan freeman voice// it was however, Lisa who sponsored the bill when it was first brought to the Seanad.

This demonstrates her commitment to thorough evaluation and willingness to adapt based on whatever is most likely to get her elected at the time. Flexibility in leadership is now key, and she embodies that principle perfectly

” Now I wouldnt be in favor of giving the wife a wallop myself but when I go at it, I do go at it awful and very hard ”

Why Lisa?

  • Consistency in Contradiction: Her ability to advocate for both sides of an issue makes her the ultimate adaptable politician.
  • Efficient Voting: From casting multiple votes to strategically choosing seats, She knows how to get things done—twice as fast!
  • Innovative Allowances: Her creative approach to expenses shows her dedication to making the most out of every situation.
Group picture
Lisa Chambers – Irelands Angela Merkel

Schrödinger’s Anti Immigration Candidate

  • Will do “Whatever It Takes” to accommodate asylum seekers
  • Wants to expand Irelands Legal responsibility towards Illegal Migrants by adopting the EU migration pact despite Ireland having an opt-out allowing selective participation in EU Justice and Home Affairs measures
  • At the same time thinks Migrants who commit crimes should be deported despite her own party not enforcing already enforced deportation orders

Vote Lisa Chambers 2024: Because Abortion Regret Is A Makey Uppey Thing

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