The Real Issue: Law and Order in Ireland

A View To The Future

In recent years, Ireland has faced numerous challenges related to immigration and public safety. It’s important to recognize that while immigration has brought both benefits and challenges, the conversation often gets hijacked by extreme voices. This distracts from the core issues that need addressing for the betterment of our society.

The Problem with Immigration

There is a growing sentiment among many Irish citizens backed up from data from other EU members that immigration has contributed to increasing dangers in our towns and cities. However, it’s crucial to distinguish between valid concerns and the rhetoric pushed by those with xenophobic tendencies. Genuine concerns about public safety and economic stability often get drowned out by those who simply oppose immigration on principle.

Howeverm Yes we have to accept what our gut instinct has been telling us all along, Statistically speaking we are importing more criminals and people with malign intentions than good people. Often to get here these people make one if not numerous deals to pay for passage that often leaves them in debt and destitute which naturally leads to one conclusion.

The Role of Native Criminals

It’s not just about immigrants. A significant portion of crime in Ireland is perpetrated by our own citizens and ‘cultures’. We must acknowledge that both foreign and domestic elements contribute to societal issues. Turning a blind eye to the crimes committed by native Irish individuals while focusing solely on immigrants is not only unfair but also counterproductive.

The Far-Right Dilemma

The far-right often brings up valid points about the impact of immigration on welfare and public safety. However, their arguments are tainted by overt racism and lack of constructive solutions. Many of these individuals are more concerned with protecting their welfare benefits than addressing the broader issues at hand. This undermines any legitimate points they might raise and alienates potential allies in the fight for a safer and more prosperous Ireland.

A Comprehensive Solution

To truly address the issues facing Ireland, we need a government that prioritizes law and order. This means taking control of our borders and ensuring that only those who can contribute economically are allowed entry. It also means dealing with domestic crime effectively and without bias. Here are some key steps:

  1. Enforce Law and Order: Implement stricter law enforcement measures to ensure safety in our communities. This includes harsher penalties for crime and better support for law enforcement agencies.
  2. Regain Sovereignty: Take back control of the legal processes regarding who enters and stays in the country. This will ensure that our immigration policies serve the national interest.
  3. Economic Contribution: Prioritize the admission of immigrants who can provide economic value to Ireland. This will help in building a more robust and self-sustaining economy.
  4. Tackle Welfare Dependency: Reform the welfare system to reduce dependency and encourage self-reliance. This can be done by radically pushing a culture shift and state created jobs in the construction indstury instead of free houses and generational welfare dependence.
  5. Address Domestic Issues: Deal with crime and anti-social behavior among native Irish citizens and espically youth with the same rigor as those committed by immigrants. This will ensure a fair and balanced approach to law enforcement. Reform schools reintroduced to deal with deliquent youths after parental sanctions of welfare and benefits yield no results.

By focusing on these steps, Ireland can build a society that is safe, prosperous, and fair for all its residents, regardless of their origin. It’s time to move beyond the divisive rhetoric and work towards a solution that benefits everyone.

// This has been a sponsored political piece by a patreon and supporter, If you would like to have your say please get in touch! – Its only by coperation and concerted action we achieve positive change.


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